Sunday, May 29, 2005

Potty Emergency (part 1)

An unfamiliar customer, fiftyish, greying, mustached, eyes full of madness, marches toward my counter. Frustration radiates from his pores; I can feel it from eight paces.

"What kind of gas station doesn't have a public restroom," he blurts, half plaintive whine, half veiled accusation. Yep, I designed the building, quite precociously, too, seeing as this decrepit shack predates my existence by at least ten years. My hostile friend might have read the prominent, eye-level sign on the door on his way in rather than blaming me for his troubles, but that, alas, is ostensibly too much to ask.

I want so very badly to think of something incisively, marvelously witty to say, something that will convince Mustache, and simultaneously the entire soft-drink gulping, lavoratory-dependent domestic population of the error of their ways. I yearn to drive a steak into his petulant vampire heart, banishing him and his malignant redirected aggression out into the waning sunlight, to burst ablaze, consumed in cruel conflagration.

"This kind doesn't...sir," comes my rejoinder, much to my disappointment. The pause before "sir" and my chirpily obsequious tone do make it readily apparent that I'm taunting Mustache, but it's far from my best work. I have lowered my ladel in to the well of genius, only to find that it's been a dry Spring in Tennessee. Ah well. Even the greats have off days.

Mustache pays for his gas and sulks away. I chuckle at the fact that he's going to have to stop again at the next business, and at the grief that's almost certainly causing him. He's obviously not a local, as indicated by his distance-implying potty emergency, so I'll never see him again and am unconcerned that he's leaving angry--not that there's much I could have done for him besides being properly sympathetic to his plight, which I obviously am not. Perhaps if he'd been nicer. But the establishment's decision not to feature a public restroom was made, I kid thee not, without consulting your humble author in any capacity at all. The nerve of it, I say.

As this is a postwar building, we have a restroom, of course. It's just on the far side of the office and hence accessible only to employees, which is important considering the drinking-on-shift bit from an earlier post. The girls I work with at night will sometimes even let children and the elderly use it. I might be bothered at the erosion of my desired united front, but in fact most of the people to whom they grant access are travellers passing through and hence won't be likely to cite precedent and demand this privilege in the future. Furthermore, Vicki and Shayla understand my adamantine rule on the matter: if someone makes a mess in there in abuse of their kindness, their abused kindness will be accountable for the cleanup.

I am nothing if not fair.


At Monday, May 30, 2005 9:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding bathrooms, I'll quote my mother. "There's only one reason I envy man. The whole world is their toilet." Amen, Ma. I've used this toilet many times as such. No white urinal to use, well, let's see, this stack of cinder blocks will work quite nicely, or this hidden cove behind the alley. It's all good.

At Monday, May 30, 2005 10:20:00 AM, Blogger JPS said...

Outside has the added bonus that it's impossible to "miss," since you aren't aiming at anything (besides good penmanship in the snow).

At Monday, May 30, 2005 11:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I wouldn’t want one of those tools, I do feel that men have a clear advantage when it comes to peeing outdoors. I tried to explain this to my father-in-law just last week. There is not an easy way for women pee outdoors without completely squatting, almost bare butt on the ground. Even if we are able to get in the proper squat position, we’re not guaranteed an even stream that will miss our sneakers, not splash urine upwards or run in dribble down our legs. This is graphic and gross, sorry, but it’s the truth of the situation. I also think men like peeing outdoors.
I also spend a lot of time on boats and the only good way for chicks to go is by getting into the water or sitting on a bucket and how discrete can one be when dumping a bucket of pee overboard or jumping into the lake? I can only “swim” so much.

At Monday, May 30, 2005 6:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

katie b, I kid you not but there's a funnel-type device for women that allows them to squat and pee and have the cleanliness of the aformentioned "tools." But we'll still have the females beat in distance and accuracy.

At Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:26:00 PM, Blogger Lesley said...

This reminds me of the semi-altercation I had with the gas guy at the gas station closest to my home a couple of weeks ago...after closing up shop for "five minutes," he told me that the restroom was broken. I pleaded, "but I only want to wash my hands; I spilled gas on them!" to which he replied, "I told you it was broken." Rather than argue with him (like I didn't know where he was when he locked the doors, I just left and vowed never to go there again. The Citgo is cheaper anyway.

At Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Hamel, but no thanks on the special tool. Double gross to the thought of cdragging that around!

At Saturday, June 04, 2005 7:34:00 AM, Blogger Nightcrawler said...

Personally, I love peeing outdoors. Something about the breeze perhaps, or the little bugs scurrying to escape the stream of urine... I don't know.

My proudest moment was the day I wrote my name in cursive in the snow... and it stayed there for a week! We had cold temps and no new precipitation to erase it. That was great.

At Friday, June 17, 2005 2:29:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nightcrawler, that is kinda creepy. but hey, whatever floats your boat


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