Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The following is an open letter to the nefarious crimelord who drove off with $3.01 worth of fuel the other day. He most probably will never read it, but I suspect that he really, really should.

Dear Bandit,

I fully comprehend the wild abandon/lack of a fiver that inspired you to desert the gas pump this recent dusky eve. I've been tight for cash myself, and can see how you, noting my inattentiveness, strolled off into the twilight without recompense for your pathetically small amount of 87 octane. It's an opportunist's world, and you pounced, leopard-like, on my lack of vigilance in order to secure your evil and clandestine acquisition of enough gas to get you 30-45 miles, at absolute best, down the thoroughfare, before having to repeat the exercise. I am your humble servant, having had to, at great expense to my ego, accept your bold gambit as an irrevocable conquest over my watchfulness. Well executed, my sly devil; I blush. I am, forever more, your familiar in iniquity, and admirer in the ways of cozening the system, that I might one day aspire to your great deceptive summit.

Nevertheless, my scallywag, it’s high time we had a chat, you and I, about you, and your future as a criminal. I understand that, for certain people, there is an understandable compulsion to steal when the opportunity presents itself. I was busted for shoplifting cassette tapes, when I was twelve, and luckily so: I had purloined about a thousand dollars worth of knickknacks prior to the event, and was wending my way down the road that takes such a one from a juvenile delinquent to an adult delinquent, and hence the one-month-grounding smackdown from my parents was fortuitous. So your petty theft is neither shocking nor alien to me.

And yet, I must ask, my maniacal villain, if petty thievery is your game, your trade, your vocation, your very niche in this life. If it isn’t, and you merely stole less than one-and-a-half gallons of gas due to the euphoric rush of the moment, then well done, my roguish scavenger. I was, at the time, most likely doing other things, and you, arch-fiend, busted out my inattention. I hope you enjoy that endless expanse, or at least forty minutes, of open road that your buccaneer's cache is going to get you.

But I suspect that this isn’t the first time you’ve ever stolen anything, or even stolen anything from my store. And that’s what troubles me, my despotic nemesis--your lack of ambition. Frankly, since the massive spike in gas prices, I’ve been dealing with $40 and $50 drive-offs, people who have developed cleverly articulated schemes in which they strike during peak hours, in which I’m more likely to authorize their sales without looking in their direction, and then set the nozzle on the ground, to prevent the piercing wail from my register that lets me know that they’re done pumping and need to come inside to pay. That’s a good scheme, and one that I’m unlikely to apprehend, if it’s performed well. Are you taking notes, my vengeful felon?

And so, my iniquitous adversary, I want you to do something for me: either look yourself in the mirror, or find a support group, or both, and say aloud: I will steal five dollars worth of gas next time, I will steal five dollars worth of gas next time. You, know, baby steps, insidious menace. Because what you’ve done, in present state, is so laughably underachieving that I paid your tab. That’s right: your debauchery was so unwicked and so unimpressive that a guy that works an unenviable service wage job reached into his pocket and picked up your bill rather than write your scandalousness off on his company. Do you feel like creation’s biggest loser yet? You aught to. You just made a convenient store clerk feel superior. And that’s a hard thing to do.

So allow me to recap, my malicious miscreant: selfishness and opportunism are par for the course of the human experience; there’s little sense in disputing that. But sneaking away from three Washingtons? Please. If this were a matter of actual and true desperation for the person needing the fuel, I’d have simply given it to them, and paid it as I did. But if skipping out on that bill is a point of pride for whoever did so, I have a bit of advice: reach for the firmament next time, my friend--$3.01 just isn’t going to cut it. Your subterfuge hasn’t even made me angry; I merely sighed and then giggled.

You cruel gangsta, you.


At Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:42:00 PM, Blogger St. Dickeybird said...


At Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:46:00 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Reminds me of a story...as a kid, my husband's summer home was burglarized. The nefarious thieves took off with: blankets, sheets, towels, canned goods, candles and pillows... and left an apology note.

Everyone felt bad there wasn't some small cash for them to take.

It's hard times. At least you had the $3.01 to cover him. Good karma for you.

At Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:16:00 PM, Blogger Hawaiianmark said...




At Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:01:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My ma tells me of an aunt who came home and found that a burglar had made off with ... dinner!

At Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Doesn't your station have video surveillence?

At Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said.

At Thursday, July 21, 2005 2:06:00 AM, Blogger Justin said...

Take only what you need.

It's a good motto I suppose.

At Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! i'll have to try that "set the pump down" scheme...


Another great post Gas Guy!

At Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gas Guy giggles? He giggles! Just picturing that makes my day. Thank you for writing another great post.

I don't know what I'd steal given the impulse and the opportunity. I'd be too scared to steal someone's food; what if they'd done something odd to it? I don't think I'd steal linens or other people's music. I wouldn't steal gas because I don't have a car.

I guess I'd be boring and steal electronics. But nothing too heavy: I've got tiny biceps.

At Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:07:00 AM, Blogger JPS said...


In an earlier post, I mentioned something along the lines of, "My station rests on the cutting edge of 1970's technology." We have no PA, no outdoor cameras, no upc scanner. It's about as old-school and low rent as it gets, because the owner's a cheap-ass, and the locals pick up on this over time and take advantage of it.

At Thursday, July 21, 2005 3:50:00 PM, Blogger Just Jan said...

awesome post gas guy.

At Thursday, July 21, 2005 5:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mention you have had quite a few drive-offs. Does the owner feel that he saves money allowing this as oppossed to updating the station? Just curious as to whether his decision is based on economics or blind idiocy. Would *you* update the place if it were yours?

At Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't help wondering if they just really needed the gas for some reason, and had no money, and knew they would have to steal it. I can sort of imagine someone, feeling awful already, knowing they are about to commit an act of larceny, driven only by need (real or perceived), and in their self-loathing, reduce it to an act of profoundly petty theivery.

Sort of like the person who steals a single donut because they're hungry and broke, instead of the whole box.

At Sunday, July 24, 2005 1:46:00 PM, Blogger JPS said...

Interesting take on the matter, anon. I can't rule it out.

Hamel, I most certainly would have installed outdoor cameras were the place mine. They'd have paid for themselves ten times over at this point. Even dummy cameras put a serious dent in drive-offs. Once again owner=cheapass. But you're right, the stinginess is actually losing money in the long term, so we will add that owner=dumbass.

At Tuesday, August 09, 2005 7:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. I have a fresh take on this one. Could it just be that the "would be" customer *thought* he had the money to cover the gas when you authorized and only realized at around $3.00 that he did not? Maybe he drove off quickly to avoid the painful embarassment of having to explain this to you and to anybody else inside the store who would most certainly overhear?

And, by the way, you are very talented.

At Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want your babies. i dont even have a uterus.


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